I am thankful:
1) that my dinner of taco burgers with homemade hamburger buns turned out great! It was only my 2nd time to try the homemade buns, and they were fantastic! For those of you interested, it's just taco-seasoned meat with all the fixings (cheese, shredded lettuce, cilantro, sour cream, green onions, and jalapenos) on a burger bun. Yummy! I've started making buns, dinner rolls, pizza dough, etc. in my bread machine. Very tasty, very easy, and very economical! Here's a pic of the leftover buns- obviously without all the fixings:

2) there are only 5 days of school left!!!
3) my sweet hubby, knowing I had had a rough day, came home tonight and offered to take me to the coffee shop for a little while. I wasn't really dressed to go out, so I politely turned him down, but the sentiment was very sweet, and I was grateful for his concern for my feelings.
4) Speaking of my sweet hubby, I'm so thankful for all the hard work he's put into the garden for our family! I am not a yardwork/gardening kind of girl, so it's all him! Here are a few pics of his "baby":

Wheat that Rob grew/harvested to use as mulch. It's a technique called Biodynamic Intensive Gardening, or something organic like that! :) All I know is it prevents weeds from growing, and attracts tons of worms to work the soil and add nutrients.
Back to Thankful Thursday:
5) I was able to squeeze some time in a couple of days ago to mow our yard. It looks so much better, and I'm sure the neighbors appreciate it! :)
6) I have several orders to complete, which means my business is continuing to thrive! I'm very grateful that God has given me favor and a good name.
7) Kris Allen won American Idol last night! So very proud that a good, Christian Arkansan won! His humble attitude and good nature is an excellent example to people worldwide.
8) that Grey, Grant, & Mac are spending the night with my mom tonight (since I'm working at the scrapbook store tomorrow). That means that after I drop off Garrett and Gage at school tomorrow, I'll have a couple of hours by myself at home before I have to go to work! A very rare treat, I must say!
9) for the long weekend coming up! Gotta love a holiday!
10) for this:

'Nuff said.
Okay, I really do feel better now. Thankful Thursday has been very therapeutic for me! Maybe you should try it, too, next time you've had a bad day. :)
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