Please allow me to brag a bit on my #1 son. Grey loves acting. It's his passion. He has been fortunate enough to be cast in several productions done by the Clarksville children's theater group, Stages Theatre for Youth (www.kidsonstage.info). But recently, he was invited by the University of the Ozarks theater department to play the part of "Arty" in the play "Lost in Yonkers". This was a pretty big honor. He has worked so hard for the past 2 months, rehearsals almost daily. This weekend was the performance. I don't know who was more excited, Grey or his parents! I have to say, he was amazing. We were so proud. It's always great to hear compliments on your kids, but what's even more fun, is hearing people around you talking about how great that kid on stage is, totally unaware that his parents are in the row in front of them! We even had a gentleman, as we were walking out, look at us and say, "That younger brother was a great actor, wasn't he?" No way could he have known he was talking to "that younger brother's" parents! Needless to say, it was a very proud moment.
Kim..that is so cool. It does make a momma proud. Congrats. It will be exciting to see where the Lord takes him with his gift!