I gotta say it: I have the best kids in the world. Trust me, there have been days when I've had my doubts- especially in the very early years. Several years ago, when Grey (my oldest- now 13) was about 4 or 5 years old, I walked into our bedroom, only to find a family heirloom Christmas decoration in pieces on the floor. It's just stuff, it wasn't a big deal. But the fact that Grey had broken it, left it there, and not bothered to tell me about it, really bothered me. He knew how special that decoration was to me, because I'd told him the story behind it when we decorated that year. And I don't think he failed to tell me about it out of the fear that he'd be in trouble. I think he just genuinely didn't care. I remember thinking, praying, "How do you teach compassion to your children? How do you make them
feel something?" I remember specifically making that a matter of prayer. I don't really remember any "magic" answer coming to me. But I was thinking of that incedent today, as I was watching Grey with his little sister (2 1/2). Of all my kids, Grey is the most sensitive, caring, loving. Not a day goes by that he doesn't tell me he loves me, and he's so glad we're his parents. But back to Kenna- We were getting in the van, which we do oh, so very often. Grey was helping McKenna get in and buckled up, and he said, "You're my special, little sweetheart, aren't you?" To which she replied, "Yep!" I love the relationship that he has with her. I know it doesn't sound like much, but it was one of those mental snapshot moments for me. I had several of those today. My second favorite was watching McKenna, in my sewing room while I worked, wrapping fabric around her, and twirling to the music in her "new dress". I don't take enough mental snapshots. I get too busy, and time goes by so fast. I'm very glad that I took the time to appreciate the blessings under my feet.